Benefit from LACOS expertise in the areas of ISOBUS, GPS and automation

Our solutions for agricultural robots

The development of future-proof agricultural robots presents a multitude of challenges that are characterized by high complexity and require comprehensive approaches to solutions. Numerous questions have to be dealt with that cover different aspects. This calls for a wide range of competencies and specific expertise, as many topics have to be explored from scratch. The process of developing agricultural robots is therefore often very lengthy. In order to accelerate development and quickly build up specific fields of expertise, it is often advantageous to enter into partnerships.

  1. Increase the level of automation of your machine
  2. Acceleration of robot development
  3. Rapid market entry within one calendar year
  4. Achieve minimal user action
  5. Compliance with laws and existing guidelines
  6. Setting new quality standards

As a specialist for mission planning and optimization as well as control software on the robot, LACOS sees itself as the right and trustworthy partner for a long-term and sustainable cooperation. Develop your autonomous tractors and intelligent implements with LACOS.

Discover our fields of expertise for your autonomous tractors and smart implements

Benefit from our many years of experience and innovative strength

Mission Planning

Intelligent mission planning for efficient use of your robot in the field

For us, mission planning is the logical further development of our expertise in precision farming and field planning. After all, autonomous agricultural machinery needs not only the appropriate sensors and electrics, but also an optimal and efficient route. In addition to pure navigation planning (tracks, turns, transfers, obstacle avoidance), this route must also include other attributes, so-called actions, such as target speeds or target values for controlling power take-off shafts, etc. Therefore, we have adapted our route planning specifically to the requirements of field robots and extended our range of functions to this end.

  1. Calculation and optimization of the route from field entry to field exit (e.g. minimization of the total track length)
  2. action planning for robotics applications (speeds, other target values)
  3. all functions necessary for autonomy planned within the mission (incl. entry/exit, consideration of distances, etc.)
  4. range of functions configurable according to the use cases of your robot
  5. Planning functions to support various work procedures and attachment functions
  6. Integration possibilities in existing web application of the robot manufacturer

Control Software

Innovative control software for highly automated and precise field processing

For several years, our focus has been on the exciting developments in field robotics and autonomy on large fields, in addition to precision farming. Today, we are specialists in the automation of field robots. We can apply our know-how on classic agricultural machinery directly to autonomous machines and adapt it to the new applications. In addition to controlling the robot, including the exact route, we can also control the associated implement at the process level, providing autonomy for implement carriers and intelligent attachments with the highest precision for area crops.

  1. Proven control software and components for agricultural robots for autonomous processing in the field
  2. High-precision and proven control software for autonomous handling of intelligent ISOBUS implements
  3. Import, processing and execution of pre-planned missions from navigation to individual functions

Monitoring & Safety

Flexible telematics complete system as the cornerstone for the safety of your field robot

The safety aspect in particular plays a decisive role in the development of field robots. At the moment, the balancing act between safety and autonomy is a major challenge. The automatic acquisition, wireless forwarding and processing or evaluation of machine data is a fundamental component with regard to ensuring safety. LACOS offers a comprehensive solution portfolio for this, from hardware to data transmission and also in the form of an analysis tool with associated app.

  1. cost-effective telematics hardware for retrofitting to any field robot' (ISOBUS, non-ISOBUS)
  2. analysis tool tailored to your application including branding or interface for data transfer to your system
  3. detailed data analysis (working, standing, transport times, ...)
  4. precise vehicle location and theft protection through geofencing
  5. comprehensive administrator system for use by your service team

Why LACOS as your partner?

Benefit from the cooperation with LACOS as an experienced know-how provider for agricultural machinery software and management systems. Our specialties are Precision Farming, Telematics, Fieldplanning and Robotics & Automation. With LACOS you will reach your development goals faster and more cost-efficient.

After more than 30 years in the agricultural technology market, more than 200,000 licenses sold and experience with over 100 types of equipment, we are in a position to provide you with comprehensive advice on targeted further development, to jointly develop ideas and requirements and to successfully implement projects. In doing so, we place particular emphasis on the individual adaptation of developments to the special functions of your products and your specific requirements. Rely on LACOS and you will benefit from:

  1. Market launch of the latest features or displays within a very short period of time
  2. Unique position from the competition due to special software for your attachments
  3. Targeted combination of your and our know-how for the further development of your solutions and strategic product alignment
  4. Saving development time and development costs of your latest innovations

Joint success

We are happily looking forward to hearing from you.

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Your contact

Thomas DAMME
Graduate in Business and Computer Science (TU)Thomas DAMMEManaging Director DevelopmentCommunication deutsch,englischPhone +49 36628.688-0Fax +49 36628.688-17Mobile phone+49 179.45 83 179E-mailtdprotect@protectlacosprotect.protectde
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This is what our customers say about it

Anedo GmbH
Fredo Harms, Geschäftsführer

„Unser gemeinsamer Anknüpfungspunkt in der Zusammenarbeit findet sich im ISOBUS und das bereits seit mehr als zehn Jahren. Hier vereinen sich die Kompetenzen des Einzelnen zu neuen Produkten. Erst das intelligenter GPS-Know How im Zusammenspiel mit den hochentwickelten mathematischen Algorithmen von LACOS, macht unsere ISOBUS-Terminals zu hochwertigen Lösungen im Bereich der Software-Funktionalitäten des "Precision Farming", wie beispielsweise Parallel Tracking (Parallelfahren), Autosteer (automatisches Lenken), Section Control (Teilflächenspezifische Feldbearbeitung) etc.. Die Anwender - Landwirte, Lohnunternehmer, Traktoristen - finden diese gemeinsamen Lösungen z.B. in Endprodukten, wie den CCI-Terminals CCI50, CCI100, CCI200, aber auch in unserer neuen ISOBUS Terminal-Generation T35i und T50i, die zahlreich in Systemen der mechanischen Unkrautbekämpfung zur Reihenerkennung oder in vollautomatischen Lenksystemen ihren Einsatz haben. Entdecken Sie mehr unter: Kundenlösungen

OSB connagtive
Dr. Matthias Rothmund, Geschäftsführer

„Das Team von OSB connagtive hat über 20 Jahre Erfahrung in ISOBUS-Software; das LACOS-Team ebenso lange Erfahrung in Precision Farming-Anwendungen. Gemeinsam schaffen wir optimal integrierte Elektronik- und Softwarelösungen für die mobile Landtechnik. Deshalb sind wir Partner!“

Novag SAS
Ramzi Frikha, Geschäftsführer

"Ich glaube, dass wir mit dem LACOS-Team gleichgesinnte Menschen gefunden haben, die sich wirklich für Ihr Produkt begeistern und einsetzen. Wir schätzen die Qualität des Supports und das Fachwissen rund um das Thema Landtechnik. Direktsaat-Landwirte brauchen anspruchsvollere Steuerungssysteme. Unsere allerersten Maschinen waren bereits mit unserem IntelliForcePlus-System zur Automatisierung der Sätiefe ausgestattet.  Unsere erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit LACOS hat zu einer weiteren Besonderheit für unsere Sämaschinenreihe geführt, dem sogenannten IntelliRatePlus-System, das die lang erwarteten Funktionen für die Precision Agriculture-Saatgutausbringung bietet. Wir sind zuversichtlich, dass unsere Kunden diese neuen ‘Soil’utions mögen werden. Wir haben große Projekte in unserer Produkt-Roadmap und freuen uns auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit mit LACOS."

Combined Powers / Maschinenfabrik Bernard Krone GmbH & Co. KG
Alexander Grever, Teamleiter Elektronik

„Die Missions- und Bewegungsplanung ist ein Grundbaustein, um landwirtschaftliche Roboter dazu zu befähigen, effiziente und hochautomatisierte Arbeitsprozesse im Feld bereitzustellen. Gemeinsam mit LACOS arbeitet Combined Powers an neuartigen Algorithmen und prozessspezifischen Optimierungs- und Fahrstrategien, um effiziente und nachhaltige Robotereinsätze unter Berücksichtigung agronomischer Anforderungen zu realisieren und hinsichtlich Perfomance Indikatoren wie Kosten-, Zeit- und Energieaufwände zu optimieren.“

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